Adventurous Accounts : Corina Nika

observant nomad | adventurous accounts : corina nika

observant nomad | adventurous accounts : corina nika

observant nomad | adventurous accounts : corina nika

observant nomad | adventurous accounts : corina nika

observant nomad | adventurous accounts : corina nika

observant nomad | adventurous accounts : corina nika

observant nomad | adventurous accounts : corina nika

observant nomad | adventurous accounts : corina nika

I am so pleased to share a new column on the blog today with you  - adventurous accounts! With each of my journeys across the globe, I've taken away lessons and viewpoints that have helped shape my life and who I am. So I  thought, let's ask some other travelers about their experiences what travel has meant to them as well. So for the first installment, I asked my friend Corina, a talented graphic designer living in Greece, to share with us a little bit about her travel experiences and how seeing the world has shaped her. 

First off, thanks for doing this! This is a great opportunity to show other creatives & adventurers alike how people get out there and explore our big world. Can you tell me a little bit about what adventure & travel means to you?

Even if it’s just taking a different route home, or exploring new place in town. Adventure is something I try to experience everyday.  The thrill of seeing something I haven’t before makes me more than excited. Now when it comes to traveling, I’m like a child in a candy store.

So, what is your all-time favorite trip? why?

That would be my daily trip on Mountain Ainos. That’s the highest mountain in the Ionian Islands. Even though I enjoy the sea very much, snow and big trees hold a special place in my heart. I feel in peace when I’m up there with our husky, running happy in the snow, everything’s quiet and we’re just walking.How much planning do you do before you go?Not a lot. Probably just a couple of days for my luggage. Other than that I like some adventure and leaving things to luck.

What's the most memorable meal you've had in your travels?

Snails. And since then it’s one of my favorite dishes.

How do you pick places to eat when traveling?

Driving, asking locals, and by how they look from the outside.

Your favorite home away from home: hostel, hotel, airbnb, or something else?

Sofitel Hotel in Athens, next to the airport. Dream bed, dream shower, great experience!

What are some ways you balance touristy things with an ‘authentic’ feeling trip?

Visiting neighborhoods that are not on the “map” or eating in restaurants that are probably hidden on small tight roads. And I try to visit at least one local celebration, gathering while I'm there.What lessons has traveling taught you?To respect and embrace the differences between people. To respect and love each other, nature and literally everything on the planet.

How has traveling shaped you as a person?

I think I’ve become more loving and peaceful. It has also definitely made me adventurous, brave and more of an adrenaline junkie.What made you decide to travel somewhere outside your comfort zone?My love for that place. How I’ve dreamt visiting it for my whole life. And when I was there it was everything I had dreamt and much better.Do you ever get nervous when traveling? when? and how do you try to cope with it?Not really. Although lately I’ve been experiencing some nervousness while being on a plane and traveling by bus. You never know what's going to happen right? But I’m definitely trying to be the strongest version of myself and push my fears away. There’s no reason of living a life if it’s in fear.How did it feel, being outside the US (or your hometown) for the first time?Thrilling! Since then, I’ve been dreaming of living in a different country for 6 months. And then changed my mind. Being freelancer, I'm not sure that it is something that I could afford doing right now. So who knows, maybe someday.


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