Traveling Alone Or In A Group


I've been thinking a lot about the last time I was on a plane heading outside the United States, and frankly it's been far too long. When I graduated college several years ago I promised myself that I'd try to travel somewhere international every year.

Well the last time that happened was almost 3 years ago... sad face. And I really have my heart set on South America this year, I have never been and would love to see the rustic sights of Peru or Argentina. I've followed Mr and Mrs Globetrot for a few years now, and Julia just returned from a trip to Peru - and let me tell you, my wanderlust has risen two-fold after drooling over the gorgeous photography.

In the past couple years, I've chatted up friends left and right in an attempt to get people on board. And while I have been able to convince people to venture on state-side travel, unfortunately, Peru plans always seem to fall through. It's been pretty disappointing to feel restricted from pursuing my passion because I can't seem to find the companions who share my excitement.

Another option I've toyed with lately has been going it alone. I truly believe people can travel anywhere as long as they're self-aware, safe, and open to new experiences. There are a million ways to travel alone, no matter your age or gender. I've written about traveling alone before - and funny enough, I did most of my single excursions when I lived in Spain. I didn't mind traveling alone, being alone was really beneficial and opened me to so many more experiences than if I had been with a friend 24/7.

But I think I'd feel more comfortable jumping back into international solo-traveling with some guidance. So for the last few months I've been doing some research on more solo-travel options, like tour groups or buses. Which leads to a bit of a dilemma... traveling solo or with a group?


  • set your own itinerary

  • go exactly where you want, when you want

  • really immerse yourself within the culture

  • meet more locals

  • people are more likely to talk to you

  • great if you need some 'me' time

  • effective way to get to know yourself better

  • can build confidence

  • will lead to unexpected (and amazing) memories

  • budget is specific to your travel wishes


  • can be lonely

  • not 100% safe to go out at night

  • not able to share the experience with loved ones/friends

  • no immediate support system for emergencies

  • more expensive

  • have to be more aware of surroundings

  • depend on strangers more

  • pressure is all on you (planning, safety, transportation)


  • share your amazing memories with others

  • transforms strangers into friends

  • deepen bonds with existing relationships

  • can be fun even in difficult situations

  • a support system for emergencies

  • different tastes lead to unexpected activities

  • can find entertainment with each other

  • balance responsibilities

  • split costs


  • can create a 'bubble of experience'

  • not as immersed

  • have to compromise more

  • sometimes can be awkward or difficult

  • budget is not always within your control

  • feel more like a tourist than a traveler

  • might get stuck with undesirable responsibilities

  • tour buses can feel more party instead of adventure

Obviously there's no clean cut answer. Solo traveling lends more control - but can also put more pressure on you. In my experience there are higher highs and lower lows. But in the end it's all on you. There's also something disappointing about not being able to share your new memories with someone else.

With groups it's also a bit more of a stark contrast. Some of the pros can actually end up feeling like a con with the wrong group or companion. But in the end you usually end up closer and with a deeper bond than before. It's nice to have someone to help pass the 12 hour train rides, or when you might get rained into the hostel. It's also great to have someone who can laugh at your hilarious travel memories when you get back.


So hopefully in 2015, you'll find my climbing the Incan Ruins or riding a speedboat up the Amazon. Whether it's traveling alone or in a group of adventurers - only time will tell. Have any of you traveled alone, or in South America? What are your thoughts?


Adventurous Accounts: Laura Gingerich


Adventurous Accounts : Rachel Ridings